
Thanks Ken for your support.

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Hope not Hernando but we live in strange times .

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Mr. Roach is commended for his integrity. His recent writings and talks have not made him popular and welcomed in Hong Kong and China. But his views contains many truths. Recall Milton Friedman’s early comment on “one country, two system.” He saw the flaw that it is still “one country.” That eventually lackeys of Beijing would be running Hong Kong.

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One can only wish that there is a post-Xi swing back to moderation, although it may be a decade or more before that is even possible.

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A very interesting read, thank you for the first-hand accounts of the people you met with and talked to in Hong Kong. Your assessment matches everything I have been told by family and friends that are still there.

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Steve, it sounds like you are starting to be treated like Bill Browder was by Russia in the early days.

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